Tubular Dryer
The Simon Tubular Dryer and Cooler offer an ideal solution for (re-)processing molded starch, presenting a continuous and cost-effective alternative to batch drying. Designed for efficiency, these machines contribute to significant energy savings, improved quality and reduce the quantity of starch needed for recirculation.
The Tubular Dryer features a steam-heated tube bundle rotating within a casing. Lifters positioned around the tube bundle pick up the material, conveying it over the heating tubes during rotation. The rotary joints at each end enable steam inlet and condensate collection, making it an indirect contact dryer. Unlike other dryers requiring heated airflow, the Tubular Dryer minimizes dust creation.
While a minimal airflow is necessary to remove evaporated moisture, a simple reverse jet bag filter efficiently manages the process, even with large capacities. Essential for Gum and Jelly manufacturing, the Tubular Dryer ensures the correct moisture content and temperature, often paired with a Tubular Cooler. The cooler’s design mirrors the dryer but uses water as a coolant. Typically installed together, the dryer can be mounted atop the cooler with a straightforward chute for dried starch transfer.
Using steam as the heating medium, the Tubular Dryer efficiently returns condensed steam to the boiler, a method superior to dryers using hot air, which vent warm exhaust air without energy recovery. Moreover, the Tubular Dryer’s minimal sweep air requirement results in smaller dust filtration units compared to hot air dryers, reducing operational complexities and costs. Notably, its lower volumes of dust-filled air make the Tubular Dryer safer, mitigating explosion hazards associated with air-heated dryers.